I started this website because for several years my passion has been to help people become the best version of themselves. Like so many people, I was limiting myself and was told that we live in a world of lack and limitation. Continuing to believe in those limiting beliefs, little did I know I was creating a self fulfilling prophecy of not achieving my dreams. Discipline is EVERYTHING. I have learned that for everything I do in my life, we have to maintain discipline. Like so many, I was one to shy away from this discipline. Coming up with excuses and reasons for why I did not deserve the things I wanted in life. The truth is the only limits we have are the ones we have created for ourselves. We constantly decide to put ourselves in a box, and complain that we hate being in this box, when the reality is we have the power to break free and out of the box. The discipline leads to FREEDOM!! Committing to your dreams, creating a plan, and sticking it out the time you have spent on all of the critical steps will put you in a better place physically and mentally. Fight through the temptation and maintain the discipline. I created this website to help people who are like me, who have dreams and want to be around like minded people.